Summertime – Funtime

Four happy friends having fun and runs to sunset sea beach.

Memorial Day, 4th of July, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, school vacation, family vacations, sports activities, beach activities and yard maintenance.  What do all these things have in common?  Summer! A time when people are outside, enjoying the good weather and sunshine.

This also means that it’s a great opportunity to gather critical information on your claimant’s activities outside of the home. Keep in mind that this season and these unique opportunities don’t last forever and cannot be recreated. Our Investigations Division is well equipped to schedule surveillance investigations on or around these critical summer months.

Leveraging the Summer Buzz on Social Media

With summer fun also comes an increased activity on social media networks. We recommend taking this window of summer to review your claimant’s social network accounts, looking for instances of fraud.

By browsing accounts like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you have the potential to reduce the necessary legwork of your investigations. From posted photos to excitement over upcoming events, letting the summer hype on social media work for you could greatly help your claim resolution process.

How We Can Help

Through any season, the Brumell Group offers a full social network investigation/Facebook preservation service. This lets us find social media accounts and digitally preserve postings, information, and photographs for future mitigation and litigation purposes. Don’t let these summer months pass by without taking full advantage of the unique opportunity they offer your fraud investigations.